Sunday, August 4, 2019

Everyone for Themselves :: Driving Transportation Essays

Everyone for Themselves I lived in the village of Millington, MI most of my life, where most of the roads roll around open farmland. After moving down to Lapeer, MI and traveling daily to Rochester, MI on M-24, it seems as if people from different traffic areas drive in different ways. City drivers tend to go 5-20+ speed limit, tailgate more, and seem to run a lot of lights. I would say the majority of the city drivers do this. Some country drivers might also have some of the traits of city drivers, but normally they go 0-5+ speed limit, rarely tailgate, run lights, and do a lot less traffic violations overall. The driving community of the U.S. consists of people of every ethnic background, race, color, and gender. Anyone can become part of the driving community as long as they have a vehicle to drive. To legally become a member of the community you must follow a few steps. First, have a license, which means you may have to take many tests in order to proclaim your worthiness, and pay fees to the secretary of state. The second step is to have your car insured through any broker. The last step is to purchase plates for your vehicle, again paying fees to the secretary of state. If you get pulled over by the police you may get into big trouble if you didn’t go through the â€Å"initiation steps†. He or she may impound your vehicle and send you to jail. Anything that has brake lights, headlights, turn signals, and bumpers (exc. motorcycles) can be considered a vehicle for driving on most roads. (Roads that move faster have requirements, for example, it should have at least a 400cc engine on certain expressways.) Also, expressways and fast moving roads frown on farm equipment or any slow moving vehicles. This is for the safety of the driver of the vehicle and the safety of everyone else on the road. In my first few trips down to Rochester I was absolutely stunned how many people can rush a yellow, and run the red. For example I was about 30’ from the light when it changed to yellow, obviously I couldn’t stop. I looked behind me, three other cars in my lane also made it! I try to assimilate so I won‘t create an accident, but I don’t think I can ever go to the extent that they do.

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