Friday, August 23, 2019

Change and Culture - Case Study 2 Research Paper

Change and Culture - Case Study 2 - Research Paper Example The change might be in the process done individually or by team, in which it requires adoption and flexibility to succeed in coping with changes. During 1990s, healthcare organization suffers from abrupt changes which require the role of middle managers in the status of restructuring. The change that the healthcare organization wants to create is the restructuring of the job elements to make the work environment more motivating which is called job redesign. Job redesign is an ongoing process which entirely depends on the cooperation of its workers in delivering for a satisfactory input (Cronshaw & Fine, 2003, p. 320). This is often the move if the organization wants to reduce and cut the cost of work force without affecting the demand of product or services and have the employees give their best (Strong, 2010). This work process is not simple in the healthcare organization and it needs a thorough assessment because if it is not carefully planned it might lead to a decreased clinical quality, reduced patient satisfaction and increased staff turnover (Murphy, 1996, p. 1). So that the high demand of services in the healthcare organization will be met even if there is a reduction in force, the administration will be using the universal worker to alleviate staff shortages. These are healthcare providers that are more flexible in different assignments and will provide better services without facing difficulties. The main thrust of this paper is to present the steps on how job redesign is being done. Healthcare organizations always seek for what will be the best in terms of its patient care delivery (Singleton, 2002, p. 505). The restructuring of quality, cutting of cost, and patient care delivery is dependent on the input of its staff members. Most often, resistance is present in the process especially in changing of roles and relationships. Also, this paper gives emphases on the structures and communications used by Peter Senge in its learning

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