Sunday, November 10, 2019

Contribute To Children And Young People Essay

1.1 Outline the health and safety policies and procedures of the work setting 1.2 Identify the lines of responsibility and reporting for health and safety in the work setting SUPERVISION OF PUPILS – The safety of pupils in the classrooms is the responsibility of the Class Teacher. Class Teachers are expected to exercise effective supervision of the pupils and to know the emergency procedures in respect of fire, bomb scare and first aid, and to carry them out; to give clear instructions and warning as often as is necessary. Children should never be left unsupervised. Suitable supervision will also be carried out when Children are leaving the school premises at the end of the day, during break times and Mid-day break. ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT All electrical equipment will receive a regular inspection by a suitably trained member of staff. STORAGE OF CLEANING MATERIALS Authorised chemicals and other cleaning materials must be kept under lock at all times FURNITURE Furniture that is not in good condition should be reported to the Headteacher and removed from use if considered unsafe. LIFTING AND MANUAL HANDLING Injuries can be caused by incorrect lifting and handling of objects, (which need not be large or heavy). Therefore any operation where lifting or handling is involved should be avoided where possible. WORKING AT HEIGHT All staff are asked not to carry out work at height unless it is agreed by their line manager that it is necessary. The site manager will keep a checklist of regular inspections of any steps, ladders and stepladders. No displays are to be higher than 3.5 m in the school hall. CONTRACTORS The Site Manager will liaise with and manage all contractors coming onto the site. All contractors RISK ASSESSMENT An annual risk assessment will be carried out by the Finance and Staffing Committee who will inform the Headteacher of their findings. All potential hazards should be reported to the Headteacher immediately. STRESS Stress is acknowledged by the school as a potential cause of staff illness and all efforts are made to reduce it. NEW AND EXPECTANT MOTHERS The school recognise the fact that new and expectant mothers (NEMs) are at an increased risk of a) injury to themselves and their unborn child b) injury to others who may be affected by their actions. To ensure the safety of the NEM a risk assessment will be carried out by a competent person and the implementation of controls to eliminate or reduce risk will be put in place. C.O.S.H.H. The Caretaker will maintain a C.O.S.H.H. record for the school. All hazardous substances are under lock in the caretaker’s cupboard. ASBESTOS The School’s asbestos survey is kept in the Admin Office and is available for inspection by contractors working on the site who are also required to sign a book confirming that they have seen the survey. ACCIDENTS TO STAFF AND PUPILS All accidents will be recorded in the appropriate accident book (see Reporting Procedures). Parents/Carers should be contacted by phone for any child who has suffered a bump to the head they will then either be sent home or will remain in school under close supervision. Should parents/carers be unavailable the child will be given an advice slip to take home with him/her at the end of the day. FIRST AID * First Aid will be administered but only as far as knowledge and skill permit. * All teaching and support staff have either undergone the required basic First Aid training or have agreed to participate in future training offered by the school. ILLNESS If a child is taken ill in school, the parent/carer will be informed as soon as possible and the child will be cared for in school until such time as the parent can arrange to take the child home. FIRE DRILL During any Fire Drill or evacuation due to the sounding of the Fire Alarms all staff must ensure that visually or hearing impaired children or adults are located immediately and led to safety. 1. The Headteacher, Assistant Head, School Secretary or Caretaker will set off the alarm, (in the case of a real fire person finding the fire would set off the nearest alarm). 2. Each class will evacuate the building as quickly and quietly as possible and children will assemble on playground. If during registration time teachers should take their class register with them, if it is outside registration time the School Secretary will bring the registers and signing-in book to the playground, pupils will then be checked off. 3. The Headteacher or Assistant Head will check with Class Teachers that all are accounted for. FIRE EXTINGUISHERS are located at the following points: – Sterile entrance area by Secretary’s Office door; water extinguisher (red) and Carbon Dioxide (red) – Staff room by Fire Exit; powder extinguisher (red) and fire Bomb Scare The person made aware of the scare will raise the alarm by setting off the nearest fire alarm and evacuation would occur in the same way as it would for a fire. Gas Leak In the event of a Gas Leak there must be a Verbal Evacuation starting with the nearest class in session. DO NOT TURN ON OR OFF ANY SWITCHES AND DO NOT OPERATE FIRE ALARM. Proceed as for a Bomb Scare. AREAS OF RESPONSIBILITY Headteacher: The Headteacher is responsible and accountable to the Governors for implementing this school policy and for all matters relating to health, safety and welfare within the establishment. In particular this will include: – being the focal point for day-to-day references on safety and giving advice or indicating sources of advice; – Co-ordinating the  implementation of safety procedures; – ensuring that regular health and safety inspections of the school are undertaken and that working practices are checked; – ensuring that adequate assessment of significant risks from hazards in educational activities is made and appropriate measures are in place for such safe practice; – reporting to the Chairman of Governors so that arrangements can be made to deal with premises management issues, e.g. repair and maintenance of buildings, selection and control of contractors and the development and implementation of emergency procedures; – maintaining contact with outside agencies able to offer expert advice; – ensuring that accidents and hazards are recorded, reported as appropriate and that remedial action is taken, when necessary; – reviewing, at least annually, the procedures and systems of work in place; – identifying and fulfilling training needs. In the event of the Headteacher and Assistant Head being off-site or unable to fulfil their responsibilities due to injury, the next most senior member of staff will assume these responsibilities. VISITS Visits out of school are organised by staff who are fully informed of any physical ailments of the children in their care. Pabulum Supply the catering facilities to the school and operate their own codes of Health and Safety, monitored by their client managers. SAFER RECRUITMENT / SAFEGUARDING CHILDREN The procedures for safer recruitment and safeguarding pupils will follow council guidelines. VISITORS TO THE SCHOOL All visitors to the school must report to the Office and sign the Visitors Log. When they leave they should sign out. ALCOHOL, DRUGS AND SMOKING The abuse of alcohol or drugs is a safety hazard and if there is any suspicion that a member of staff or visitor is under the influence of either, then this must be reported to the Head Teacher who will take the appropriate disciplinary action. Smoking within the school site is prohibited and signs are posted at entrances. VIOLENCE Violence and harassment in both physical and verbal forms will not be tolerated within the school, either between employees or between employees and non employees. EDUCATIONAL VISITS The school recognises that educational visits, away from the safety of the school site, expose school employees, pupils and non employee volunteers to potentially unknown risk. 1.3 Explain what a risk assessment is and how this is managed in the work setting A risk assessment is a document employees must create to evaluate the risks regarding health and safety and use it to help improve the protection in the workplace. Employers must identify hazards and assess the associated risk. When a risk assessment is required in my work setting. The person(s) in charge of the activity will create the document and then have it approved by the heard teacher and health and safety officer. The document Is then uploaded to the school network for other member of staff to modify if they require a similar risk assessment. However all risk assessments must be authorised but the head teacher and must also be re-assessed yearly. 2.1 Explain why a safe but challenging environment is important for children and young people It is important for children and young people to have a safe but challenging environment so they are able to develop their skills and not become afraid of trying new things. However safety is an essential so they are comfortable and have a positive experience. 2.2 Identify the difference between a risk and a hazard A hazard is an existing condition/situation that is likely to cause harm. For example, ice on the school site. A risk is a potential condition/situation that may occur and could become a hazard. For example if the cold temperatures continue there could be ice on the school site. 3.1 Identify non-medical incidents and emergencies that may occur in the work settings. Non-medical incidents and emergencies that may occur in my school are things such as flooding in classrooms or playgrounds, or electrical faults in the school, for example, internet not working, lighting down or heating not working. These are issues that require sorting quickly but do not require medical assistance. 3.2 Outline the actions to take in response to the following situations Fires During any Fire Drill or evacuation when the Fire Alarms sound, all staff must ensure that visually or hearing impaired children or adults are located immediately and led to safety. The person finding the fire would set off the nearest alarm. Each class will evacuate the building quickly and quietly. Children will Line up on the playground. The school Secretary will bring the registers and signing-in book to the playground, pupils will then be checked off. The Headteacher or Assistant Head will check with Class Teachers that all are accounted for. All class teachers should take evacuation key if needed and shut all internal doors after doing a final check. If in the hall all children and staff must evacuate by front entrance and continue to the playground the using path around the back of pre-school. Any staff members of pupils are in the staff room or PPA room they must evacuate via the fire exit and continue to playground. Staff members and pupils in the office and head teachers office must evacuate using the main fire door and head to the playground. Receptionist must take the key for the gate and leave by the front entrance and proceed to the playground. Pupils and staff in working in the ICT Room and Den must Take the evacuation key and leave by Fire exit continue across car park and follow the path around the back of pre-school The Secretary must Telephone Fire Brigade (unless in instant danger) and collect evacuation key, registers and signing-in book and proceed through main entrance to playground. Kitchen staff must leave via the fire exit and proceed to the playground. Security incidents All visitors to the school must register at the Office and sign the Visitors Log. When they leave they should sign out. They will be presented with a  visitors badge to wear and must keep it on until they leave the site. All visitors must be accompanied by a member of staff during their time on the school site. If I notice a person has come onto the site that is not authorised I should notify a senior member of staff and they will question why they are on the site. My school is very close to a wooded area is it very easy for people to accidently enter the site. The unauthorised person must always exit the way they entered. Emergency incidents If a child becomes unwell whilst at school and they require immediate medical care an ambulance would be called, followed by a call to the parent or guardian. If the child could move easily, for example an injured arm we would take them to a calm area. If the child cannot move the area will be cleared until the person has been moved by a medical team all members of staff involved in the situation must monitor the child, especially for shock. 4.1 Identify the signs and symptoms which may indicate that a child or young person is injured or unwell Children will normally tell you if they are feeling unwell, you can check for signs by feeling is they are hot or cold, they may be shivering or sweating. They may look pale, or if are complaining of a sore throat you may be able to see the tonsils or glands are enlarged. The obvious signs of injury are blood if a child has cut themselves, if a child has fallen but there is no blood there will often be a bruise or slight swelling, if a child is complaining of severe pain, there could be a chance of a sprain or breakage, the limb could be in an unusual position, and swelling. 4.2 Identify circumstances when children or young people may need urgent medical attention A child will need urgent medical attention is they are unconscious, have had a nock to the head and are suffering from concussion, if a child has been electrocuted, if they are having an allergic reaction. They will also require urgent medical attention if they have a breakage or severe fracture. In my setting I must also look for symptoms for meningitis  in children as they will require urgent medical attention. 4.3 Outline one role and responsibilities in the event of a child or young person requiring urgent medical attention If a child requires urgent medical attention I am able to take control of the situation as I am paediatric first aid trained.I would need assistance is an ambulance is required. I must carry out whatever actions required and after fill out an incident form. 5.1Describe the reporting procedures for accident, incidents, emergencies and illnesses All accidents, incidents and emergencies must be logged in the accident book unless treatment from a medical team is needed. In this case the incident would have to be recorded on a full accident form. 6.1 Outline procedures for infection control in own work setting The schools infection control is as follows – Children with rashes should be considered infectious and assessed by their doctor. A child diagnosed with chicken pox, measles, and shingles should be kept away until all vesicles have crusted over. Children diagnosed with Impetigo should be kept away from school until lesions are crusted and healed, or 48 hours after starting antibiotic treatment. Children suffering from Diarrhoea and/or vomiting should be kept out of school for 48 hours from last occurrence. 6.2 Describe personal protective clothing that is used to prevent spread of infection When performing any type of first aid, gloves and an apron must be worn to prevent spread of infection. If the child or young person requires CPR the first aider can use a mouth shield when giving the rescue breaths. 7.1 Identify the procedures of the work setting governing the receipt, storage and administration of medicines If a child requires a medicine whilst on the school premises they will be given a form to complete which allows members of staff at the school to administer the medicine. The information required is: Name of illness and medication required What time medicine should be administered and how often Dosage and method Side effects Self-administration or help required The form is then checked over by the secretary and information is passed on to the member of staff that will be administering the medicine. The form also states the medicine must be in the original container as dispensed by the pharmacy. 7.2 explain how the procedures of the work setting protect both children and young people and practitioners It is important to have policies and procedure set in place for administering medicines to ensure the medication they are taking is and the school have been given permission to administer it. If a child is given the wrong dosage they can become extremely ill or possibly have an anaphylactic shock. Have in a policy in place will ensure the person administering has the correct knowledge so that the child will be safe when taking the medication.

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