Thursday, September 26, 2019

Case Study Chapter 12 How Do You Solve a Problem Like Maria

Chapter 12 How Do You Solve a Problem Like Maria - Case Study Example Maria is an excellent resource to the school; diversity encourages creativity among other new ideas, which enhances competitiveness of the institution in question. From the case study, we see her taking the initiatives of communicating to the less fortunate girls among other children with different challenges, which seem to affect their life in school. These kinds of the initiative will ultimately boost the performance of the school. Such girls will have the courage to face life challenges as they have a person who guides and motivates them. This idea came from Maria, and it is a clear example of a new idea, which boost competitiveness (Miller 227). Diversity creates an opportunity where an institution creates an effective environment, which meets global standards. In reference to the case study, we see it was through the diversity that they came to uphold the position of Maria in the District School. If they had not taken the initiative of hiring her, they would not have realized the benefits along with hiring women. Such standards enhance the institution’s competitiveness (Miller 227). Tokenism in this case is about challenges facing Maria, yet she does not have the authority to overcome some of these issues. Ideal example is the issue concerning role model. It is ethical for a teacher to be a role model to the students, but this practically possible if the administration is acting as a role model to the minor teachers as well. In this instance, Maria feels challenges because she is doing a lot, but getting little in return of her efforts (Miller 229). The tokenism issues that Maria has to deal with concerns doing a lot and getting little appreciation. They think it is a privilege to offer her the job opportunity, but they do not value the effort in classroom, supportive talks she offers to students and the community service duties. If I were the communication consultant

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