Thursday, August 27, 2020
Three Methods for Teaching and Evaluating Writing free essay sample
An investigation was led to decide if there were huge contrasts in understudy execution dependent on three strategies for educating and assessing writing.â These techniques are personnel survey, bunch audit, and Calibrated Peer Review (CPR) by means of a web programming program, which were arbitrarily allocated to classes whose understudies were given pretests, medicines and posttests including four distinct circumstances, i.e., direct solicitation, generosity, antagonistic, and powerful. Under the personnel audit technique, exhaustive and exact remarks demonstrated valuable for bringing up explicit issues, clarifying them and making proposals for their goals (Plutsky Wilson, 2004). Be that as it may, this may involve a great deal of time, so some staff pick to utilize peer audit instead.â Peer surveys directed with understudies writing as a team with one another would in general upgrade students’ composing aptitudes and capacity for basic reasoning (Plutsky Wilson, 2004).â The subjectivity of individual assessments can be tightened or even wiped out by forcing rules and measures to build up consistency and unwavering quality. We will compose a custom paper test on Three Methods for Teaching and Evaluating Writing or on the other hand any comparable point explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page The particular philosophy portrayed above was utilized on a gathering of understudies of the subject Analysis of Communication for Business, which delivered shifting results.â Under the personnel audit technique, understudies scored higher on each of the four circumstances (Plutsky Wilson, 2004), maybe on the grounds that the understudies rewarded the work all the more truly in light of the fact that it was relegated by a teacher.â Students under the gathering survey strategy got better grades than those under CPR, aside from as for the altruism message (Plutsky Wilson, 2004), presumably on the grounds that understudies had no open door for conversation under the last mentioned and in this manner had their own comprehension of the issues in question.  as a rule, in any case, while results shifted in specific regards, they indicated that any of the three techniques would be powerful in encouraging understudies composing capability. Reference List: Plutsky, S., and Wilson, B.A. (2004). Correlation of three techniques for educating and assessing composing: a semi expermiental study. The Delta Phi Epsilon Journal, 46 (
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Role of Self Assessment in Learning
Job of Self Assessment in Learning My enthusiasm for self-appraisal comes from individual encounters of being surveyed and the dissatisfaction felt when most evaluated work was essentially granted an evaluation, contained least input assuming any and was then expected to be documented regardless of the numerous inquiries I may have had. Notwithstanding, numerous years after the fact, while went to a language showing instructional class, I was given a self-assessment sheet to finish by the teacher. Awkward as this might have been, I understood this was the first occasion when that I had been introduced an arrangement to self-evaluate/ponder my work. In the wake of finishing the sheet and the ensuing conversation about the substance, the educator gave input of a kind that I could use, in a setting which was strong and which regarded my objectives as a language instructor. From that point forward I have built up an enthusiasm for how self-evaluation can be utilized to advance learning in an English as a Foreign Language (EFL) homeroom. During my instructing in Asia I have seen the requirement for students to assume more noteworthy liability for their own learning so as to move away from the more customary instructor drove, instructional methodology. I have discovered that utilizing self-evaluation as a feature of intelligent learning can prompt more noteworthy proprietorship and self-sufficient learning as more consideration is paid to how students get information. This article assesses the job of evaluations, especially self-appraisal as a device for advancing learning, as I relate the excursion taken with my Chinese students on an English Pathways Program (EPP) and what has prompted the choice for utilizing a scope of developmental assignments contained in an arrangement of composed work, with students eventually taking responsibility for learning. What is the job of appraisals? Appraisal as indicated by Gipps (1994, p. vii) is: a wide scope of strategies for assessing understudy execution and accomplishment including formal testing and assessments, reasonable and oral appraisal, and study hall based evaluation completed by educators and portfolios. Numerous educational programs in language schools reflect Tylers (1949) traditional model that predefined destinations, substance, and methods for accomplishing and surveying pre-decided learning results. This model of behaviorism sees the student as a latent safeguard of data gave by the instructor and along these lines learning turns into a coincidental as opposed to a purposeful procedure. Gipps (1994) contends that the strength of this model in the study hall, has implied that educators have concentrated their guidance on discrete aptitudes and on decontextualized test things, with proceeded with training until dominance is accomplished. Dark and Wiliam (1998a) discovered this kind of testing energizes shallo w or shallow repetition learning, as learning disconnected realities, rapidly vanish from the memory since they have no importance and don't fit into the students reasonable guide. This has been seen many time in our homerooms where on one day understudies can discuss effectively a rundown of jargon or syntactic guidelines, as they have recently done that in class or in a test, however can't review a similar data, a couple of days after the fact. An option in contrast to this behaviorist/goals model originates from constructivist brain research which contends that information isn't straightforwardly transmittable from individual to individual, but instead is independently built or found. Glasersfeld (1989) contends that the obligation of learning ought to live progressively with the student and constructivism underlines the significance of the student being effectively engaged with the learning procedure, dissimilar to past instructive perspectives where as we noted over the duty re sted with the educator to instruct and where the student played an inactive, responsive job. Glasersfeld (1989) urges that students be instructed how to learn by connecting with their metacognitive capacities, bringing about getting the hang of being a purposeful procedure and prompting profound learning. Sadler (1989) underpins this by saying that improvements in metacognition disclose to us understudies need to become able assessors of their own work. McDonald and Boud (2003) have contended that the conventional improvement of self-evaluation abilities is a significant piece of the educational plan at all levels (p. 210) with Black and Wiliam (1998b) expressing that self-evaluation is a basic segment of developmental appraisal. On the side of this dynamic learning approach, Gipps (1994) advocates for progressively visit and a more noteworthy scope of evaluations, for example, expositions, execution appraisals, little gathering undertakings and ventures. Bould (1991) characterizes self-evaluation as the contribution of understudies in recognizing guidelines as well as rules to apply to their work and causing decisions about the degree to which they to have fulfilled these measures and guidelines. (Boud, 1991, p.5). The last stage, regularly called self-evaluating or self-testing is just a single part of self-appraisal and Bould (1995) cautions against an overemphasis on this angle as it can coordinate consideration away from including students in recognizing and connecting with rules, a phase which he says is both troublesome and frequently ignored. In China today, appraisals enable all to the educator, to make one-sided and last decisions on an understudies work. Be that as it may, in the event that we need our understudies to get free, dynamic students, at that point this connection among understudy and educator should be changed and by fusing self-appraisal into homeroom learning, understudies just as instructors recognize evaluat ion as a common duty, and not as the sole obligation of the educator (Oscarson, 1989). Other important issues concerning appraisals noted by Black and Wiliam (1998a) were: the filling in of records as opposed to dissecting understudies work to distinguish their adapting needs; and the over-accentuation on granting imprints and grades, frequently utilizing regulating referencing, which empowers rivalry as opposed to individual improvement. A considerable lot of our students experience of regularizing referencing in their past schools persuaded that they needed capacity and accordingly they had lost trust in their own ability to learn. In this manner, therefore, we received a progressively ipsative methodology where students are more focussed on their own benefits instead of others grades. On the side of this Hounsell et al. (2008) noticed that granting grades frequently comes to the detriment of offering valuable guidance or input, which should be essential to the continuous instructing and learning cycle, as accomplishment gains from developmental appraisal are among t he most meaningful of every academic intercession. Ellery (2008, p. 422) expounds on this by saying that, the open doors for learning are most noteworthy in developmental assignments requiring drafts where understudies get input and have the event to effectively draw in with the criticism to improve the item in its resulting draft(s, for example, in articles. Gipps (1994) contends for the utilization of subjective descriptors accepting that crumbling or totaling all outcomes to give a solitary figure to revealing is to lose point by point data. At the point when scores must be totaled for revealing then we have to utilize models which bring about minimal loss of data and to make the guidelines unequivocal. To sum up, I feel the program ought to think about the student as a functioning member, utilize a scope of developmental evaluations, with an emphasis on self-appraisals, criticism and leaners progress instead of granting grades. What are simply the advantages, issues of utilizing evaluations and would they say they are solid? To assess self-evaluations, the writing was surveyed to set up the related advantages and issues, notwithstanding the unwavering quality of the apparatus for acrid circumstance. A few advantages of utilizing self-appraisal have been recognized. Various language specialists have gotten self-appraisal to be a solid technique for improving understudies language aptitudes and capacities (Ekbatani, 2000; Nunan, 1988), creating student independence and metacognitive commitment (Andrade and Du 2007; Cassidy 2007), upgrading picking up, including profound and deep rooted learning (Taras 2008) and it adds to understudy accomplishment (Hughes, Sullivan Mosley 1985; Schunk, 1996; Ross 2006). Studies have likewise indicated that self-appraisals positively affects understudies learning inspiration (Pope, 2001) and learning execution (McDonald Boud, 2003). In any case, a few issues with self-evaluation have additionally been recognized. A few understudies are hesitant to self-evaluate, feeling they come up short on the important aptitudes, certainty or capacity to pass judgment on their own work or just fear being off-base (Leach 2012), liking and hoping to be surveyed by specialists (Evans, McKenna, and Oliver 2005) or understudies may consider it to be the educators duty (Brown and Knight 1994). Furthermore, in numerous Asian nations the very idea of self-appraisal conflicts with profound established social assumptions regarding learning and giving themselves a passing mark is viewed as improper, gloating (Leach 2012), bringing about people from Eastern societies for the most part showing an unobtrusiveness inclination, and accordingly underestimating their exhibition (Yik, Bond, and Paulhus, 1998). In this manner, it is critical to disclose the method of reasoning to the students and show that as students we day by day self-assess ( for example discussing a rundown of words). To address social issues it might require singular interviews to relieve concerns. Albeit self-appraisal is being utilized in a scope of settings: science, maths, and language classes; essential, optional and tertiary instruction; there is still some uncertainty about its dependability which Gipps characterizes as the degree to which an evaluation would deliver the equivalent, or comparative, score on two events or whenever given by two assessors (1994: p. vii). Bachman and Palmer (1989) found that a gathering of EFL students in the US had the option to dependably self-rate themselves for their open language capacities. Boud and Falchikov (1989) discovered there was no steady propensity to over or belittle execution by
Friday, August 21, 2020
Major SEO Mistakes that you need to avoid at all costs
Major SEO Mistakes that you need to avoid at all costs Make Money Online Queries? Struggling To Get Traffic To Your Blog? Sign Up On (HBB) Forum Now!Major SEO Mistakes that you need to avoid at all costsUpdated On 29/11/2017Author : Pradeep KumarTopic : SEOShort URL : CONNECT WITH HBB ON SOCIAL MEDIA Follow @HellBoundBlogAt this point, you should be well aware that search engine optimization is a necessity for your business. Nevertheless, it is also important to avoid rushing this process and acting haphazardly. SEO is great, but a lot of newbies will make major mistakes that will cripple their chances of becoming a success. Some mistakes will hinder your progress, while others could get your site penalized by the major search engines. Below, you will discover the biggest SEO mistakes that need to be avoided at all costs.Major SEO MistakesIgnore The Title TagsFirst and foremost, you need to realize that some HTML tags are directly linked to search engine optimization. The title tag is beneficial for search engines and your site’s visitors. With this in mind, you will need to find a balance between keywords and readability. A lot of site owners will completely neglect their title tags and this will prove to be a costly mistake. Make sure you place your primary keyword in the title, but also keep the title readable. This ensures that your site works well for consumers and search engines.Keyword StuffingWhen it comes down to it, keywords are important. Nevertheless, a lot of site owners will overuse their keywords in hopes of getting a better ranking. This could prove to be a very costly mistake very quickly. If your keyword density is too high, Google and other search engines will recognize it immediately. This could result in your site being penalized. With this in mind, it is pertinent to avoid overstuffing your content with keywords. Instead, you should write for the reader and use your keywords sparingly. Proper placement is far more important than density.Avoiding Broken LinksIt is impo rtant to realize that the Internet is consistently changing. When you first wrote your content, you may have placed an outbound link to another website. What happens if that website disappears? Your site will be left with a broken link. Too many broken links can irreparably damage your site’s reputation. Your site’s users will be cautious about clicking on your links and Google may downgrade your site for having far too many broken links. With this in mind, you should take the time to carefully research your site’s links regularly and correct those that are broken.READSEO Right Through Windows Live WriterLink Quantity Over QualityEveryone realizes that links are a necessity for effective search engine optimization. However, it is important to understand that not all backlinks are equal. It is possible to generate 300 to 400 backlinks in a short period of time. Nevertheless, those backlinks will come from websites that are low in quality and spammy. With this in mind, it is abs olutely pertinent to focus on quality rather than quantity. A single backlink from an authority website will prove to be far more beneficial than twenty backlinks from spam sites. This is why it is absolutely pertinent to be cautious when looking for SEO link packages. Always seek out backlinks from authority websites and avoid building too many low-quality links to your site. Too many bad links could get your site penalized by Google and that needs to be avoided at all costs!Correct Anchor TextFinally, you should remember that your links need to be absolutely pertinent. This is true for inbound and outbound links. Your links offer a rare opportunity to use keywords and other phrases effectively. A lot of newbies will use simple phrases, such as “click hereâ€. This is a wasted opportunity. Whenever you build a link, it is pertinent to make sure you do so with the proper anchor text. Also, make sure you diversify your anchor text to avoid looking suspicious in Google’s eyes.
Monday, May 25, 2020
Trial Of DMXB-A in Schizophernia - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 2 Words: 552 Downloads: 7 Date added: 2019/10/10 Did you like this example? Dimethoxybenzylidene which is abbreviated as DMXB-A is a drug is administered orally. It helps improve neuropsychological and attention in schizophrenia, hence an improved psychological outcome. There were three teams which were in the production of the drug and they were exploratory development team, project development team, clinical development and brand development team. They were tasked with discovery research, exploratory and full development, filling, launching and growth and maintenance. The major team was the clinical development team whose main roles were developing a clinical development plan, manage its execution and compiling the clinical portion of the regulatory submission in form of a case report form (CRF). There are two models under study design. These are traditional model and Innovative/adaptive model. Traditional model is further divided into phase 1,2,and3. Phase 1, the drug safety and tolerability must be established. One has to start with no-effect dose then later on take maximally tolerated dose. The dose range of cover 3-5 fold difference. During the initial stages single dose is recommended but between 5-7 days, multiple dose is advised. Under phase 2 is further subdivided into phase 2a and phase 2b, the sample size is usually above 50 patients depending on the state of the disease. Its duration is between 1-5 year and studies conducted on patients and volunteers. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Trial Of DMXB-A in Schizophernia" essay for you Create order Phase 2a which also known as pilot studies. Its initial step also is to determine the safety, efficacy and tolerability in patients, tolerated dose range in patients is also established. Thereafter evaluation is done on relevant biomarkers and pharmacokinetic parameters in patients. Estimation of degree of variation is also essential. Proof of concept states that the drug must demonstrate right pharmacology, appropriate therapeutic index and reach intended target and intended tissues. It should also be enriched with collection of data such as plasma and genomic (Meyer et al.). Adaptive trial uses accumulating data from ongoing study. Its advantage is that it increases the likelihood of selecting phase 3 dose and it use more ethical treatment considerations. The early phase of adaptive trial is to find safe and effective dose while the later phase makes prospective changes to future trials. The traditional plan of adaptive design takes a duration of 16-22 week whereby SAD (4-5 dose) and MAD (3-4 dose) are administered. While modified adaptive design takes a duration of 12-18 weeks. Phase 2b one determines the dose range and level of phase 3 while confirming the its primary endpoints and estimating treatment effects. Phase 3 includes pivotal trials which generate clinically and statistically significant evidence. It involves thousands of patients and takes a span of 3.5 years. It was noted that between 2011 and 2015 that on a single pivotal, 50 % of new drug approvals were made (Sagineedu et al.). Treatment groups were Experimental Therapy groups and control groups. Pompe disease showed that 70-80 % of children die as a result of cardiac failure before they attain the age of 1 year. In a case study carried out, it was found that in the treatment of Parkison’s disease by use of antidepressants, 65 % of the patients improved through active drug treatment. In the double-blind study, the percentage of the patients who improved were only 20%. In an early study carried out, it showed that recombinant GAA helped improve cardiac, survival and respiratory functions. It was concluded that patients who received rhGAA had 90% survival chances and were free from ventilation
Thursday, May 14, 2020
11 Facts You Should Know about Halloween
The U.S. is a society of consumers, and an economy based primarily on consumer spending, so its no surprise that Halloween is celebrated in consumerist ways. Lets take a look at some interesting facts about Halloween consumption and consider what they mean from a sociological perspective. Fast Facts About Halloween 171 million Americans  more than half the entire national population  celebrated Halloween in 2016.Halloween is the nations third favorite holiday, but the second favorite for those between the ages of 18-34. It is less popular with older folks, and more popular among women than men, according to a 2011 Harris Interactive poll.Not just for kids, Halloween is an important holiday for adults too. Nearly half the adult population will dress in costume for the occasion.Total U.S. spending for Halloween 2019 was expected to reach 8.8 billion dollars  a decade ago, that figure was just $4.8 billion.The average person will spend about $83 celebrating Halloween.About a third of all adults will throw or attend a Halloween party.One in five adults will visit a haunted house.Sixteen percent will dress their pets in costume.Costume choices among adults differ by age bracket. Among millennials, Batman characters take the number one spot, followed by a witch, anima l, Marvel or DC superhero, and vampire. The number one costume among older adults is a witch, followed by pirate, political costume, vampire, and then Batman character.Action and superhero characters are often the top choice for children, followed by princess, animal, Batman character, and Star Wars character.Pumpkin wins the top spot for pets, followed by hot dog, bumblebee, lion, Star Wars character, and devil. Halloweens Importance in American Culture So, what does all this mean, sociologically speaking? Halloween is clearly a very important holiday in the U.S. We can see this is not only the patterns in participation and spending but in what people do to celebrate the holiday. Early sociologist Émile Durkheim observed that rituals are occasions upon which people in a culture or society come together to reaffirm their values, beliefs, and morals. By participating in rituals together, we activate and reaffirm our collective conscience  the sum of those beliefs and ideas we share in common, that take on a life and force of their own due to their collective nature. In celebration of Halloween, those rituals include dressing in costume, trick-or-treating, throwing and attending costume parties, decorating homes, and going to haunted houses. This raises the question of what values, beliefs, and morals are reaffirmed through our mass participation in these rituals. Halloween costumes in the U.S. have evolved away from the holidays social origins as taunts and mocking of death, and toward popular culture. Sure, witch is a popular costume for women, and zombies and vampires are also in the top ten, but the variations tend to lean more toward sexy than scary or evocative of death. So, it would be false to conclude that the rituals affirm the values and beliefs of Christianity and Paganism. They point instead to the importance placed on having fun and being sexy in our society. But, what also stands out is the consumerist nature of the holiday and the rituals. The primary thing we do to celebrate Halloween is buy stuff. Yes, we go out and get together and have fun, but none of that happens without first shopping and spending money  a collective 8.8 billion dollars. Halloween, like other consumerist holidays (Christmas, Valentines Day, Easter, Fathers Day and Mothers Day), is an occasion upon which we reaffirm the importance of consuming in order to fit in with the norms of society. Thinking back to Mikhail Bakhtins description of medieval Carnivale in Europe as a release valve for the tensions that arise in a highly stratified society, we could also surmise that Halloween serves a similar function in the U.S. today. Currently, economic inequality and poverty are at their greatest in the nations history. We are faced with an incessant onslaught of terrible news about global climate change, war, violence, discrimination and injustice, and disease. In the midst of this, Halloween presents an attractive opportunity to take off our own identity, put on another, shake off our cares and concerns, and exist as someone else for an evening or two. Ironically, we may be further exacerbating the problems we face in the process, by perpetuating the hypersexualization of women and racism via costume, and by handing our hard-earned money over to already wealthy corporations that exploit laborers and the environment to bring all the Halloween goods to us. But we sure have fun doing it.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Article Line Management Competence The Key For...
According to, (Donaldson, Yarker, Lewis, 2008), the article Line management competence: The key to preventing and reducing stress at work. Strategic HR Review, 7(2) states, â€Å"In the UK, Health and Safety Executive (HSE), was concerned about their employees. The company according†, (Donaldson et al., 2008), believed that work-related issues was due to stress. HSE has established Management Standards for stress at work that are designed to help employers tackle the major sources of work-related stress risk (Donaldson et al., 2008). The standards that was set place will be shown and if they were effective for the company. Additional components will be given that can also help the organization with the effective ways stress on the job was handed. Some companies spend numerous of dollars to make sure that employees are treated for their illness. I will show the cost of treatment and if manage correctly all employees could benefit from training. A comparison to other organization s stress management program with how other stress models might be implemented will be given as well. According to (Donaldson et al., 2008) â€Å"Work-related stress is now a major concern for employers. In the UK, Health and Safety Executive (HSE) conducted a survey with Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD, 2007), shows that work-related stress, depression or anxiety account for an estimated 12.8 million lost working days per year. Around one in seven working individuals think their jobShow MoreRelatedHsg 6529900 Words  | 120 PagesHealth and Safety Executive Successful health and safety management This is a free-to-download, web-friendly version of HSG65 (Second edition, published 1997). This version has been adapted for online use from HSE’s current printed version. You can buy the book at and most good bookshops. 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Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Strategic Entrepreneurship for Creativity -
Question: Discuss about theStrategic Entrepreneurship for Creativity and Desire. Answer: First personal journal entry set The significance of entrepreneurship within the society that has traditional notions and economies has been increasing at a rapid rate which is defying the obsolete concepts. The creation of new ideas through new ventures in business or the manufacturing of new products, ideas or services into the market so as to generate more value and wealth is the most crucial feature of entrepreneurship. It can include the launching of the new business ventures along with developing the existing products. This can be made to happen at any kind of companies both small and large scaled (Alvarez, Audretsch Link, 2016). The prime motivations of the individuals who are on the path of being entrepreneurs relate to gain on growth and profit. On the other hand, the key characteristics of behavior have been related to the strategic thinking and innovation (Bjrnskov Foss, 2013). When it comes to evaluating me in terms of characteristics of entrepreneurship, it is very important to assess the existing and required traits in the measures of five dimensions such as achievement drive, creativity, desire for autonomy and internal locus of control. The drive for achievement is the prime and most important trait that an individual needs to posses from gaining the interest of becoming an entrepreneur. It is a very important entrepreneurial attribute which would denote my need to work hard for achieving success. It is very relevant in my case of aiming to become an entrepreneur as I have high achievement drive and have the attitude of setting targets that are demanding for myself and encourage me to become bold and proactive regarding the accomplishing of objectives (Burgelman, 2015). I can evaluate myself to have a strong drive for achieving and an orienting for taking immediate accountability for the task and displaying of initiatives that are further in resonance with the controlling and planning of events in my organization. I also happen to have the drive of getting regular concrete feedback regarding the level of performance of individuals working under me along with my performance. I very well realize the significance of creativity as vital to the entrepreneurial concept. I happen to have a very good understanding of the fact that the sector of entrepreneurship is primarily dominated by the innovation and creativity. In order to have an effective launch in the market along with maintaining a high position in the market, it is very important to constantly innovate the services or products with renovating business strategies. I realize and have the potential to centralize creativity in my entrepreneurship. The desire for autonomy is very closely associated with the success in entrepreneurship as I definitely want to have proper control over my business, however, at the same time, I also have the understanding that entrepreneurship thrives under the work environment that has a sense of liberty and freedom (Demil, et al., 2015). I have a good potential of maintaining a balance between having proper and effective control on the business along with providing freedom and liberty of working styles for the employees. Regarding internal locus of control which is a very important dimension of entrepreneurship, I could evaluate myself to be a balanced individual with effective control of my business. I could gain high internal score regarding taking control of the environment in which I am or the environment of my business. I can very well assess myself to be seeking out innovative opportunities of business and acquiring required resources (Gallouj Gallouj, 2017). According to the findings of the survey, I could identify the areas where I need to develop in order to be successful as an entrepreneur. Belonging to a family where no family members have been involved in any kind of business and have always been an employee in many companies, I have a family programming of not being involved in taking risks. I need to develop the attitude and mental set up regarding taking risks and seeking out productive opportunities in uncertain environments. I have an environment of friends who have an innate ability and attitudes about taking risks. They have been a very encouraging and helpful for building up my confidence and attitudes towards taking risks in unknown territories (Hughes, et al., 2015). However, in my past endeavors regarding having my business, I had suffered fraudulent behaviors and faced many conflicting instances with many parties due to lack of experience as in-depth knowledge regarding the sector. However, at present, I have gained experience and conduct an in-depth analysis of the sector in which into which I desire of establishing my business. According to the assessment, I could comprehend that I have a very extraversion personality in context to the personality score. I need to have a great deal of social interaction in order to establish the business as provides me with a great deal of knowledge my business sector. I love to interact with people who have a diverse array of ideas and experience which also includes the potential customers, competitors, colleagues, customers, lawyers, coaches, suppliers, and accountants. I find myself to be very comfortable in being in most social situations. Having excellent communication style facilitates me in being a social person which further facilitates achieving effectiveness in business (Ketchen, Ireland Webb, 2014). I have the skills regarding the creativity and innovation about bringing new ideas about products and services which helps my team in designing and implementing the business ideas at a faster and much effective rate (Klein, et al., 2013). In that regards, I am definitely the Hipster which creates the idea regarding various services and products in the business venture. Third Personal Journal Entry Set To start a business, belief is the main thing that is required to address the problem and gives the significant solutions whatever the customer wants. Every large company has a humble story behind their success. All of the dignitaries start from nothing but just with the proper plan conviction, they have achieved everything. The history of the Lamborghini starts in the year 1963. The owner of the company Mr. Ferruccio Lamborghini, born in the year 1916, is the root cause of the entire foundation. The company has several phases of the extraordinary history that inspire the young minds of this generation. The time when he decided to build a factory full of luxurious sports cars at that time he was already in a wealthy state. During the period of the Second World War, he has started eth business by launching the tractor factory with full energy and dedication (Niskanen, Piispanen Montonen, 2017). This has created a major history and provides a reference to the industry. By the early sixties, he has already become a successful person and exactly knows what he really wants to do in his life. He always wanted to produce the best sports cars but never thought of this type of popularity in the recent scenario. According to many people, he is mad, but the reality is he is playing with his own dreams to change the trend of the world. After the construction of the cars, the company has become the most popular for producing the extravagance and unexplainable sports car in the world. The moment he decided was the perfect moment to create a tremendous history in the world (Obeng, Robson Haugh, 2014). The mission of the company is for those who love to possess the extraordinary and unusual objects, of high quality and cost. The objectives of the company are to describe the state of extreme, uncompromising, working with enthusiasm and Italian. The passion for transmitting the same brand with new styles and values that are characterized by unmistakable identity and combined with the best quality of materials is the target of the company. The "Collezione" is the best creation of the company which does not refer only to the fashion line but holds the entire "world of Lamborghini". Each collection of the company has the significant logo, attention to the details and high-quality materials. The vision of the company is to bring the spirit and passion of the Italy to the global market with new and distinct products that are inspired by the Italian arts and industrial design (Webb, Ireland Ketchen, 2014). The collections are not limited to cars; they have the stocks of watches, mobile, eyewear, accessories, leather goods, and furniture. The relationship between the employees and managers are quite healthy and acknowledged by every other company. The company has enthralled the enthusiasm of the mechanics as well as the engineers to increase the cutting-edge of the sports car that will always be able to stun the world at each new release. The production teams constantly grow in number and have played a strategic role within the company (Scaringella, 2017). The company mainly tries to achieve the success by beating every record and changing the passionate sense of the customers. The thing that I would love to emulate from the company is the innovative ideas that they are putting in each release. The elegant appeal towards the mechanics and considering them as of their level is something one should learn from them. The culture they have created is the best example to show the efficient production though team performance. Fifth Personal Journal Entry Set The story of the Lamborghini Company is quite inspiring and extraordinary. The thing that inspired me more is the innovative idea and the willpower of the Ferruccio Lamborghini, who instead of wasting and misusing the money and resources, used in a specific manner which was initially started by the tractor company. At the right time, he had decided to the resource to produce the world's best sports car which was considered as a mad idea of the people. Without responding to the views of the people, he has started the company with a clear vision. This shows the dedication of a person to fulfill his desires that are quite innovative and has the little chance of profit. Without thinking about the future success, he has started the company and still today, it is the most desirable sports car company across the world (Shirokova, Vega Sokolova, 2013). Mr. Ferruccio Lamborghini has inspired several young minds of the world that explains the best about life. He has changed the passion as well as the trend of the world in several phases of release. I have learned the best thing from him and that is" don't just live with your dreams, try to make it and then enjoy the dreams of success" (Simsek, Heavey Fox, 2017). According to his perspective "dreams like anything and people will call you crazy". This spirit will only change the shape, feeling, and tradition of a person. The company assures to provide the entire feeling of the Italy as it can't give the Italy exactly. The best part of the company that helps to increase the benefits is the team they have (Tavassoli, Bengtsson Karlsson, 2017). The teams are highly skilled with respect to the technology and cultural sense, works according to the need of the customers and changes in the society. They have the best coordination and team power to resolve the issues of the company. This makes fewer turnovers in the company which is the best part of it. An individual needs to be innovative rather than entrepreneurial. The creative ideas will lead to improving the entrepreneurial ideas of an individual (Wang, Thornhill De Castro, 2017). In the recent scenario, everyone is running for opening a new enterprise but hardly some of them get the success as they lack only in case of the creative ideas. The ideas will build a secure and efficient framework of the company that will lead to achieving the success within a few years. It is only about the ideas, but it is mainly about making it happen. Innovative ideas are the beginning of al fortunes. References Alvarez, S. A., Audretsch, D., Link, A. N. (2016). Advancing our understanding of theory in entrepreneurship.Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal,10(1), 3-4. Bjrnskov, C., Foss, N. (2013). How strategic entrepreneurship and the institutional context drive economic growth.Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal,7(1), 50-69. Burgelman, R. A. (2015). 24 Prigogines Theory of the Dynamics of Far-From-Equilibrium Systems: Application to Strategic Entrepreneurship and Innovation in Organizational Evolution.The Oxford Handbook of Creativity, Innovation, and Entrepreneurship, 433. Demil, B., Lecocq, X., Ricart, J. E., Zott, C. (2015). Introduction to the SEJ special issue on business models: business models within the domain of strategic entrepreneurship.Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal,9(1), 1-11. Gallouj, F., Gallouj, F. (2017). Knowledge Spillover-based Strategic Entrepreneurship.International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior Research,23(4), 726-730. Hughes, M., Hughes, P., Morgan, R. E., Hodgkinson, I. R. (2015). Organizing strategic entrepreneurship to enable product innovation in new and young technology-based firms. Ketchen, D. J., Ireland, R. D., Webb, J. W. (2014). Toward a research agenda for the informal economy: a survey of the Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal's editorial board.Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal,8(1), 95-100. Klein, P. G., Mahoney, J. T., McGahan, A. M., Pitelis, C. N. (2013). Capabilities and strategic entrepreneurship in public organizations.Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal,7(1), 70-91. Niskanen, J., Piispanen, V. V., Montonen, T. (2017). Business models for research-based spin-offs: the strategic entrepreneurship perspective.International Journal of Knowledge Management Studies,8(1-2), 38-53. Obeng, B. A., Robson, P., Haugh, H. (2014). Strategic entrepreneurship and small firm growth in Ghana.International Small Business Journal,32(5), 501-524. Scaringella, L. (2017). Book review: Knowledge spillover-based strategic entrepreneurship Joo J Ferreira, Leo-Paul Dana and Vanessa Ratten (eds). Shirokova, G., Vega, G., Sokolova, L. (2013). Performance of Russian SMEs: Exploration, exploitation and strategic entrepreneurship.Critical perspectives on international business,9(1/2), 173-203. Simsek, Z., Heavey, C., Fox, B. C. (2017). (Meta-) framing strategic entrepreneurship.Strategic Organization, 1476127017711720. Tavassoli, S., Bengtsson, L., Karlsson, C. (2017). Strategic entrepreneurship and knowledge spillovers: spatial and aspatial perspectives.International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal,13(1), 233-249. Wang, T., Thornhill, S., De Castro, J. O. (2017). Entrepreneurial orientation, legitimation, and new venture performance.Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal. Webb, J. W., Ireland, R. D., Ketchen, D. J. (2014). Toward a greater understanding of entrepreneurship and strategy in the informal economy.Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal,8(1), 1-15.
Friday, April 10, 2020
The Super Teens of the 21st Century: Managing Stress Effectively
Super active. Super busy. Super stressed. ​Modern teens are over-stimulated and over-burdened, and it's leading to an epidemic of insomnia and stress. The average teen achieves between 3 and 5 hours of sleep per night. With 24 hours in a day, you must be asking yourself what exactly is taking up all their time... On average it equates to 7 hours at school, 1.5 hours of homework, 20 minutes of housework, 45 minutes of paid work, 9 hours of media time, and a potential 5 hours of sleep. However, academic and social pressure is likely to reduce the number of hours of sleep to just 3 or 4, with common causes of sleep deprivation cited as stress and anxiety, alcohol and drug abuse, studying until late at night, and disrupted sleeping and eating patterns.​ Read on for more interesting stats and some tips to help you cope with the stresses and strains of teen life...​ Back to the top Getting to the core of the problem​ By the time we reach adulthood we are used to experiencing stress, and many of us have developed ways of coping with it and managing it effectively. From healthy stress management techniques like yoga and meditation, to less healthy methods like alcohol and drugs, we all have our own ways of handling stress when it builds up. Teenagers, on the other hand, often feel the same amounts of stress as adults, or even more in some cases; however, teens have often not matured enough to be able to cope with large amounts of stress, and it can therefore have a negative impact on their health and wellbeing. What is stress? Stress is your body's way of responding to challenges. When faced with a stressful situation, your body produces cortisol, a hormone that helps give you the strength, energy, and focus to act on your fight or flight instincts. In small amounts, stress gives you the motivation to get things done. However, if problems aren't dealt with and your stress isn't managed properly it can build up and begin to manifest itself in a number of negative ways.What causes stress in teens? Teenagers aren't responsible for paying the mortgage and bills, doing the weekly food shop, planning meals, and budgeting for the household etc. However, that's not to say that these things don't inadvertently lead to elevated stress levels on top of the main things that cause them stress. Some of the things that might be causing your teen undue stress include:School and academic life: The number one stressor amongst teens is the constant pressure to do well at school. Many young people are trying to balance exam revision and homework with extracurricular activities and school sports teams, as well as family and peer commitments and getting enough sleep. Social and peer pressure: Aside from academic stress, one of the main things that can stress a teen out is fitting in with their peers. Some teens find it hard to make friends, so many may find themselves going to extreme lengths to impress their peers and get people to like them. They may do things that go against their morals, such as taking drugs or drinking alcohol, but peer pressure is a strong force to reckon with. ​Family problems: The teenage years are a delicate period, and your teen is very sensitive to changes in their environment. Arguments and tension between siblings, disagreements with parents, and a lack of parental attention can all cause a teen to feel stressed. As much as you try to shield them from your own worries and tensions, they will pick up on it and will feel just as stressed as you do. Physical changes: Teenagers are going through puberty and experiencing lots of scary and new things happening to their bodies. Hair sprouts in new places, hips change shape, voices lower, pimples appear on the face; teens are very self-conscious and all these changes can stress them out a lot. Other things that can cause stress in teenagers include low self esteem, traumatic events, changes in routine, romantic relationships, loss or bereavement, and family financial problems, among others. How to spot the signs of stress in teens If your teen is suffering from stress they may begin to exhibit many of the following signs and symptoms: Emotional: Feeling sad, hopeless, and down; being moody or grumpy; feeling worthless or having low self-esteem; finding it hard to relax; getting more angry than usual; crying and experiencing mood swings. Behavioural: Nervous or anxious behaviour; withdrawing from family or peer activities; comfort eating or eating less than before; sleeping for longer periods of time; having less energy than usual; caring less about their appearance; being more aggressive than usual. Cognitive: Difficulty concentrating and staying focused; being more irrational then before; getting easily confused; getting lost in thought or unable to keep up with a conversation; difficulty remembering things; making errors in judgement; being more unorganised. Stress management tips for teens Don't let stress begin to build up to a level where it has the opposite of its intended effect. Too much stress can impede your quality of life by manifesting itself in sleep problems, comfort eating, skipping meals, and using drugs or alcohol as a crutch. You can manage your stress in a much healthier way by following these tips...​ Exercise: Physical activity has a number of great benefits when it comes to managing stress. Aerobic exercise triggers the release of endorphins, aka the happy hormones, which help to lift your mood and make you feel good. Doing an activity with friends adds a social component so you'll be spending time with others, having fun, and strengthening your cardiovascular system at the same time. Sleep: Ok so we know that teens are super busy and average about 4 or 5 hours sleep a night, but it's really important to try and get at least a few good nights' sleep each week to recharge your batteries. Avoid caffeine late in the day, and wind down in the evening with a warm bath, followed by a glass of warm milk and a good book. Try to avoid watching TV or using your phone or laptop for an hour or so before bed to help your brain switch off. ​Eat: We all know the old adage that you are what you eat, but many of us brush it off as unimportant. However, what you fuel your body with has a direct correlation to how well it will perform. Fill it full of processed junk food and you'll feel sluggish and lethargic; fill it with lean meats, oil fish, vegetables, and whole grains and it'll run like a prestige car run on premium diesel. ​Drink: Your body is made up of around 70% water, so it's vital that you remain well0-hydrated if you want to equip your body to cope with life's pressures. Dehydration can affect your concentration, make you feel tired, and cause dizziness and light-headedness. Aim to drink at least 1.5 litres of water each day, and avoid alcohol and caffeine as much as possible as they are diuretics and can make dehydration worse. Hobby: As busy as your day is with all the school work, it's important that you take some time out to enjoy a hobby and relax for a while. Whether you enjoy playing the guitar, doing jigsaw puzzles, cooking, or drawing, make sure you take at least half an hour out of your day to indulge in some ‘me time' and do something that makes you happy. This is one of the best ways to relax, calm down, and reset your batteries.
Monday, March 9, 2020
Political theories of Hobbes essays
Political theories of Hobbes essays Once one considers the political theories of Hobbes and Rousseau it is apparent that Hobbes theory is far more optimistic in regards to human potential for civilization. Were Rousseau sees inherent inequality in man that apparently only increases when man enters civil society Hobbes believes man is inherently equal, and that is the basis of equality not inequality that leads man to enter civil society. Government and its laws provide for the security and well-being of men united in society, while literature, the sciences and the arts...strew garlands of flowers on the iron chains that bind them, make them forget the original freedom for which they seem to have been born, cause them to love their slavery, and turn them into what is known as a civilized people. For Hobbes the state of nature, war of all against all, gives birth to the state of man, power and pleasure seeking, which in turn gives birth to a state of government, a means of controlling man at war while still allowing individual advancement. Rousseau sees the chain of events a little differently. Rousseau although recognizes mans inclination towards self and self-preservation, does not see the state of nature with the same level of harshness as Hobbes. For Rousseau man is born in a natural state of freedom and it is through the formation of some sort of civil society that man develops an inclination towards self-satisfaction. It is only then through this social development that Rousseau sees the species of man falling into a sequence of degradation. Hobbes views the human person in an eight-part structure, material; man is a material body interacting with matter within the world, sensing; humans senses are the receptors of mater in the material world, radically individual; each human senses one form of matter different than another and thus our experiences are individually isolated, passionate; humans are fixated by pleasure and pain, po ...
Saturday, February 22, 2020
The American Labor Sector of Today Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
The American Labor Sector of Today - Essay Example  The movements drew clear lines between the management of the industries and the labor aspects that based on the issues between the two. This was aimed to advocate for the improvement of their working conditions. It is sentiments like these that the screenwriters and the director of the movie â€Å"Norma Rae†shared and sought to evoke among the audience. The movie highlights the processes and trials experienced in the starting of a workers union (Canby). It shows that although the start of worker unions is marred by challenges, their successful formations eventually result in improved labor conditions. The employers victimize the founding figures of trade unions when they start advocating for the rights of the workers. The movie gives a clear illustration of this aspect that is replicated in nearly all scenarios involving the establishment of labor unions. After hearing a speech from Rueben Warshowsky, Norma decides to unionize her workmates. This does not augur well with the managers of the cotton mill, who confront her (Canby). She in turn writes â€Å"UNION†on a piece of cardboard and stands on a table to display it to her workmates. This makes them shut down their machines. The management views this as a threat to their authority and responds by sacking her and sending her to jail (Canby). Although Reuben eventually frees her, the acts bring out the factor of victimization against unionists advocating for workers rights. The movie brings out the aspect of the different family members reaction to one’s involvement in union activities. After hearing Reuben’s speech Norma starts participating in union formation activities. This invokes negative reactions in her husband who feels Norma is not spending enough time with her family (Canby).
Thursday, February 6, 2020
Saudi pus millions in higher education buildings , where saudi Essay
Saudi pus millions in higher education buildings , where saudi education heading - Essay Example By the end of 2003, eight universities served 22 million people. However, in 2003, the government of Saudi Arabia made an active decision on restructuring and expanding the higher education sector. As a result, the national allocation for the same has tripled since 004 reaching $15 million in 2007. Most of the funds allocated to the ministry were used in the construction of new universities and colleges across the country. National leaders, such as King Abdullah, have supported the program from their personal account by donating $10 million for the construction of a Science and Technology University. In endorsing the higher education initiative, the government lifted a long-standing ban on the operation of private institutions. In this regard, free land and funds amounting to $10 million were issued to the private sector in terms of scholarship and construction to facilitate its achievement of a higher status such as Yale and Harvard Universities. In establishing a quality education system, various adjustments were made in the banking sector, political sector, as well as the religious and social sector to promote factors that facilitated the cultivation of a New England in the Middle East. According to Philip G. Altbach, the decision to establish the ministry of education and invest in the same is a decisive step towards academic development. However, the director of the Center for International Higher Education acknowledges that the educational position of the country poses a challenge to the achievement of the set objectives (Altbach cited in Krieger 2007, p. 1). The first challenge facing the country is solving its major problem of technology import. As confirmed by the deputy minister of higher education, Mohammed Al-Ohali, the country has relied on foreign technology for a long time (Bander bin Saud cited in Krieger 2007, p. 2). Specifically, this is due to the overreliance on Social Sciences among the universities in Saudi Arabia. For a long period,
Tuesday, January 28, 2020
Big Apple Moments Essay Example for Free
Big Apple Moments Essay Description John Marshalls Big Apple Moments is reflective of Marshalls ability to capture a busy New York City. There are various travel cards in the foreground as a narrow alley bears off to the right and a busy street to the left. There are skyscrapers depicted on both sides of the painting. A little off center to the right is a silhouette of a couple. Upper right two thirds of painting is a green park with trees and a wide open path. Upper left one third is blue sky over skyscrapers with some printing over laying the blue sky. All of these components come together in John Marshalls Big Apple Moments. Formal Analysis Marshall creates a collage of several images to depict New York City. He draws you through two different New Yorks – one distant and one up close. The up close is about two thirds of the right side of the painting. The distant New York takes one third of the left side of the painting. A darkened view on the right of the painting. This area is very gray and shadowed. More detail is seen in the buildings and sidewalks on the right side of the painting. At the top of the paintings right side is a green open park with a wide path and sun light. The view on the left is brighter – and the buildings are more distant. The buildings seem to be lit with a bright sun and a blue sky is seen at the top of the left scene. The center of the painting is the silhouette of people. At the forefront of the painting is a Metro card and a ticket stub. Marshall uses a lot of darkened colors and nothing is defined with clean sharp lines. Interpretation Big Apple Moments begins with the ticket stubs. On the right side is an up close look of the city. A narrow street, a detailed ticket stub, and a cluttered side walk – they all bring the visitor to a close encounter with the Big Apple. A long street with a closed in feeling. Yet at the end of the street – on the top part of the painting is the green open park for the travelers oasis on this journey through New York City. On the left side of the painting – the visitor is more distant from the city. The feeling on this side of the painting is the visitor is just passing through. The two billboards seen at the tops of two buildings state clearly â€Å"The Journey†and there is â€Å"Parking Available†if you want to stop. The silhouetted figures in the center could be any traveler in the Big Apple. These figures are also open to viewer interpretation. Is it two people – one looking at the left and one on the right? Each with their own agendas? Or is this a couple – man and woman – together just enjoying the city – whether it be passing through or to see the town up close and personal? Judgment John Marshall succeeded with this work – and this title. Big Apple Moments. He captures the activity of the city, the variance of the Big Apple. He does so with subtle clues as to what the city is like. The city is to any person who visits there – whatever they want it to be. Some go to pass through and see the post card sites. Some go for a personal encounter with the culture of the city. Marshall goes so far as to paint the white lines on the road – not as a straight dotted line – but in angling different directions. Some sharp left, some sharp right, some slightly point one way or another, yet none are straight. That is because the city is open to individual experiences. Does the visitor want to do this or do that? Does the visitor want to go this way – or go that way? No matter what the visitor decides – there is that calmness of New York City. Whether that calmness be found in a taxi ride down a wide avenue – or at a serene park at the end of a hectic visit through and up close view of the Big Apple. There is not right or wrong way to see it. You just have to feel it – so grab a Metro Card – and lets go.
Monday, January 20, 2020
Jewish Reactions to the Holocaust: A Learned Behavior Essay -- Essays
Jewish Reactions to the Holocaust: A Learned Behavior When thinking of Jewish persecution, images of Nazi Germany, concentration camps, and the Holocaust are most likely to be conjured. Although these images do represent the attempted destruction of the Jews, persecution actually began thousands of years earlier. The Holocaust, or Final Solution, which was the destruction of European Jews by the Nazis, was the culmination of attempts by other groups to eradicate Jews from their society.1 Reacting in many different ways to persecution, the Jewish sect has undergone years of harsh treatment, climaxing during the Holocaust. Jewish persecution did not begin in Europe with the onset of World War II; rather, anti-Semitism had existed for the past several thousand years. The rise and eventual domination of Christianity resulted in the persecution of the Jews starting in fourth-century Rome and lasting through the Middle Ages, when huge numbers of Jews were massacred during Christian crusades.2 Also, during the Middle Ages, the Christian Church attempted to convert Jews to Christianity. This policy was put into affect in order to ensure that "Christians were ‘protected’ from the ‘harmful’ consequences of intercourse with Jews by rigid laws against intermarriage, by prohibitions of discussions about religious issues, by laws against domicile in common abodes†¦by burning the Talmud and by barring Jews from public office."3 The second anti-Jewish policy in history is known as expulsion, or the attempt by European countries to force the emigration of Jews during the thirteenth through sixteenth centuries. Jews were no longer being required to convert to Christianity because Christians then thought that "Jews could not be changed, ... ... 13. Dawidowicz, 342-43. 14. Hilberg, 16. 15. Hilberg, 17. 16. Hilberg, 664. 17. Hilberg, 665. 18. Hilberg, 666-67. 19. Dawidowicz, 344. 20. Dawidowicz, 347. 21. Hilberg, 3-4. Bibliography - "Anti-Semitism" Encarta Concise Encyclopedia. (26 October 1998). - Dawidowicz, Lucy S. The War Against The Jews: 1933-1945. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1975. - Haines, Grove C. and Ross J. S. Hoffman, The Origins and Background of the Second World War. New York: Oxford University Press, 1943. - Hilberg, Raul. The Destruction of the European Jews. New York: Harper and Row, Publishers, 1961. - Rubenstein, Richard L. and John K. Roth. Approaches to Auschwitz. Atlanta: John Knox Press, 1987.
Sunday, January 12, 2020
Religion, Poverty and Wealth
All Christians believe that the world and everything in it have been created by God. They believe that the world is holy, special, divine, worthy of respect and honour. ‘The earth is the Lord's, and everything in it, the world, and all who live in it; for he founded it upon the seas and established it upon the waters. ‘ Psalm 24:1-2 Because ‘the earth is the Lord's', Christians believe they are stewards or caretakers. They should be committed to the proper management of the world and its resources.Since the earth has been delegated to people by God they have to manage it esponsibly and productively for the sake of both their own and subsequent generations. The following bible quotes tell us that everything belongs to God. God made the mountains, the sea, dry land and the skies. They also show that God's creation reveals his greatness: ‘For the Lord is the great God ¤Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬: In his hand are the depths of the earth, and the mountain peaks belong to him. T he sea is his, for he made it, and his hands form the dry land' Psalm 95:3-6 Christianity teaches us that God is the God of nature, as well as of religion.God made the physical universe, sustains it, and still pronounces it good. God is interested in, nd looks after his creation. ‘God saw all that he had made, and it was very good. ‘ Genesis 1 Christians believe that God made human beings to be like himself. ‘So God created man in his own image ¤Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬: male and female he created them. God blessed them and said to them, be fruitful and increase in number, fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air and over every living creature that moves on the ground. Genesis 1:27-28 Human beings are godlike beings made in Gods likeness and possessing capacities which distinguish them from the animal creation. Since God is interested in the arth, so should the Christian want to care for all that God has made. God tells man to look after the earth and Christians believe they have a responsible task in God's plan for creation. God tells man they should care for the world and Christians believe that they should look atter it because ne nas given it to them. Theretore they should respect it and protect it.As well as caring for the earth, Jesus taught his followers to love God with all their heart, and to love their neighbours as themselves. In Matthew 19:16-21 Jesus told a rich, young man that if he wanted eternal life he should love his neighbour as imself, which included selling his processions and giving to the poor. Love of God cannot be separated from love for humanity. Christians try to live their lives by this rule. Christians believe they should take what they say and sing in church, in to their everyday lives, so that it affects all of their life, at home, work, school etc. Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress. ‘ Jame s 1:27 Christians should truly love their neighbours and should be concerned for their total welfare: the well being of their soul, their body, and their community. Christians look to Jesus for an example for their lives. Jesus humbled himself and became weak and vulnerable to serve people. He healed the sick, feed the hungry and was a friend to the dropouts. He said he did not come to be served but to serve.Therefore if the Christian models his or her life on Jesus, it will involve entering into other people's worlds. Jesus was moved with compassion by the sight of needy human beings and Christians follow this example. Faith and love go together for Christians: ‘Faith by itself if it is not accompanied by action is dead ¤Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬:l will show you my faith by what I do. ‘ James 2:17-18 This implies that the Christian should show their faith by loving and serving others. ‘If anyone has material possessions and seize his brother in need but has no pity on him, ho w can the love of God be in him. 1 John 3:17 These verses give an example of how Christians should lay down their lives for others – to help those in need. When Jesus was asked to define what he meant by ‘neighbour', he told the well known parable of the good Samaritan which is found in Luke chapter 10. Jesus paints the scene of a man lying mugged by the side of a road. Two kind of religious leaders, a priest and a Levite pass him without stopping. The audience expect a third person to come by and help the victim who will be an ordinary layman, a fellow Jew. But Jesus surprises them. The third man is a Samaritan, an enemy.Jesus shows that loving your neighbour means acting when you meet a person in need, even it it is an enemy or an inconvenience to you. Jesus tells the people not to sit about debating who counts as your neighbour but to go out and be a good neighbour as the need arises. Christians believe that their neighbour is not Just the person who looks like them, but people of all races throughout the world who are all bound together in the human family. Jesus bases this love for enemies on the example of God. As the creator God, involved with every detail of the universe, he does not discriminate between deserving and undeserving human beings.
Saturday, January 4, 2020
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